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Why should you consider moving from a 360 recruitment model to a 180 or 270 approach?

Moving from a 360-degree recruitment model to a 180 or 270-degree approach can bring several advantages and benefits to your recruitment business. While the 360-degree model has its merits, the specialized focus of the 180 and 270-degree models can lead to increased efficiency, improved client/candidate experience, and enhanced overall performance. Here are compelling reasons to consider making this transition:

1. Enhanced Specialisation:

In a 180 or 270-degree model, roles are specialized, allowing team members to focus on their strengths. This specialization can result in deeper expertise, better understanding of client and candidate needs, and more effective problem-solving.

2. Increased Efficiency:

Dividing roles between sales, recruitment, and research allows each team member to concentrate on their specific tasks. This minimizes multitasking and improves efficiency, leading to quicker turnarounds in both candidate sourcing and client engagement.

3. Improved Client/Candidate Experience:

A more specialized approach means clients and candidates interact with experts in their respective areas. This enhances the quality of service, as clients receive targeted expertise and candidates benefit from recruiters who thoroughly understand their skills and aspirations.

4. Clear Accountability:

With roles divided, there's a clearer sense of accountability. Sales-focused roles handle client relationship management, recruiters focus on candidate sourcing and matching, and researchers concentrate on building candidate pipelines. This reduces confusion and overlaps.

5. Reduced Burnout:

The 360-degree model can lead to burnout as recruiters juggle multiple responsibilities. In a specialized model, workload is distributed more evenly, leading to improved work-life balance and reduced burnout rates.

6. Better Utilisation of Skills:

Not all recruiters excel at sales, and not all salespeople are adept at sourcing and matching candidates. A specialized model allows individuals to work within their strengths, maximizing their contributions to the business.

7. Faster Learning Curve:

New team members can ramp up more quickly in a specialized model. They can focus on developing expertise in a narrower area before potentially expanding their skill set.

8. Scalability:

As your recruitment business grows, a specialized model is often easier to scale. New team members can be hired for specific roles, making onboarding and training more straightforward.

9. Stronger Team Collaboration:

Collaboration becomes more effective as each team member's role is distinct. Researchers can focus on candidate sourcing, recruiters on matching, and sales-focused roles on building and nurturing client relationships.

10. Industry Trends and Innovation:

The recruitment landscape is evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging. Specialized roles allow team members to stay updated in their area of expertise, leading to better adoption of industry trends and innovative approaches.

11. Adaptation to Market Demands:

The 180 or 270-degree approach can be more adaptable to shifts in the market. For instance, researchers can proactively source candidates for emerging roles, giving your business a competitive edge.

12. Greater Client Focus:

Sales-focused roles can dedicate their time to understanding client needs, building relationships, and ensuring clients receive tailored solutions.

In conclusion, transitioning from a 360-degree recruitment model to a 180 or 270-degree approach can provide your business with improved efficiency, specialization, and client/candidate experience. As the recruitment landscape becomes more competitive and complex, adopting a model that allows your team to excel in their respective areas can position your business for success and sustained growth.

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